Maybe it's time for me to think about fallback. Maybe I'm just an ordinary guy should get a job and find nice man and get married like everyone else does. Everytime I heard good news from others I get jealous. I can't help asking myself am I not good enough? Don't I deserve a happy life? Then I become so cynical and pessive and annoying. I am not satisfied with my situation, but too afraid to change. I've caught myself in a all-or-nothing dilemma.Things are not supposed to be this way.
At this age, lots of my friends have already choosen their directions, decide what kind of life they want to lead. Some get married and some succeed in their career. Look at me , try to grap all, but end up with nothing.So maybe it's time for me to accept myself as an ordinary guy. There won't be any glamor in my life. No expection, no disappointment. That's it, a plain and blank life.

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